Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little faces; happy faces.

I found these pictures in my albums. All shoo cute. HAHA. I enjoy looking at my childhood pictures. Yeh, really glad that camera was invented back then. And look, now I'm having the Best Dslr ever :D


Charmaine Ho and I.
(I'm the not so sexy one.haha)

When I was 8?
M.M.S.B Eduworld, loved that place.

President of English Club '06

Ahhh, this one. My 2nd or 3rd performance with City Ballet :)
Look at Aaron. HAHA.

I always adore this picture. Loved it.
This was when I was 5yrs old. Yeh man. I'm born tanned. Awesome?

Best Drama Award? I forgot.
I was the Director tho. Mehhh,

This was taken at RPGC, right after my swimming lesson. Will never forget this man.

I miss you grandma.

Cast of Coppelia, City Ballet.

Class of 5DAHLIA (year 2003)


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