Monday, February 8, 2010

Polka Dots.

When was the last time I updated mag-a-licious?? I got lost track of time man. seriously. I just realised CNY IS FUCKIN NEXT WEEK. wooots ;) AWEEESAWMEEEEE :D

And uhm, had a few very meaningful/unforgettable/adventurous (you pick) nights. Missing it alreadyy :( Meet me halfway plan didnt really worked out cus somebody went ALL THE WAYYY. haha. And uhm, I COULD HAVE SPENT ANOTHERRRRR naite BEING A WOLVERINEEE!!!! okay this sounds so wrong but yeahh man. I could have :/ (hahaha)

I'm kinda worn out & I need ma shower.

& guess what. mani/pedi-cure; red and white polka dots this time round ;D ITS CNY!

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