Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little faces; happy faces.

I found these pictures in my albums. All shoo cute. HAHA. I enjoy looking at my childhood pictures. Yeh, really glad that camera was invented back then. And look, now I'm having the Best Dslr ever :D


Charmaine Ho and I.
(I'm the not so sexy one.haha)

When I was 8?
M.M.S.B Eduworld, loved that place.

President of English Club '06

Ahhh, this one. My 2nd or 3rd performance with City Ballet :)
Look at Aaron. HAHA.

I always adore this picture. Loved it.
This was when I was 5yrs old. Yeh man. I'm born tanned. Awesome?

Best Drama Award? I forgot.
I was the Director tho. Mehhh,

This was taken at RPGC, right after my swimming lesson. Will never forget this man.

I miss you grandma.

Cast of Coppelia, City Ballet.

Class of 5DAHLIA (year 2003)


Friday, February 26, 2010

Oui, vous ĂȘtes celui.

Am I doing this right?

No but seriously. This is what I've been asking myself over and over again. And to make myself feel better, i say YES THIS IS THE RIGHT ROUTE YOU'RE TAKIN MAG. I've never doubted my abilites of making decision cus I've been making the right ones ( so far). Whatever I do today represents what I'm going to do in future. Whatever it involves. It doesnt matter. Relationships. Education. Family. Health. Its all right at my finger tips. When I click when i tap, there it goes.

I'm right now, on my bed. Thinking about somebody, who's miles and miles away. This somebody is really really special to me. He taught me alot in life. He somehow changed the way I look at things, the way I look at the world. He taught me how to take control of my temper and vulgarity. He taught me how to have TRUST in a relationship. He taught me how to have faith in people. He taught me how not to rush cus the best goes to the one who awaits. And he's true. Me being, a highschool kiddo :9 Going through highschool dramas, haha yeah its part of life:) And when it comes to reality, I will have to stand up and face the world. And like i said earlier, make the right decision. And i guess having him in my life, is the Best decision I've ever made so far.

And now,
its time for bed:)

In case you didnt know, it means Yes, you're the one <3


You know,

I've been thinking. Why are we born this way? Why are there so many orphans and old folkes in the Homes? and why are they locked behind the bars? And why are some people born with disfigured face and yet they get the discriminations? And why are some people born with the ultimate talent and yet they dont have the chance to show it just because they're not 'beautiful'?

Whats BEAUTIFUL? and does Beautiful refers to Girls with the hourglass body and perfect body measurements? But deep down under, Vain and Selfish?

that is the biggest mistake WE ALL are doing right now.

Praise and thank god that He gave me what I have right now. Everything happen for a reason. And that reason, its for you to find it. Explore the world. Explore the people around you. Go beyond your imagination and I am sure the truth can be revealed, only to yourself. Because you worked for it.

I've been thinking to myself.

Only BEAUTIFUL people deserves fame/popularity/wealth/love? Somebody tell me? :(

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad day or what?

That huge 7-seaters just blocked our vision. We were really sure that the road was clear & god knows where the other bike came from right? Sheaat man. We both said "FUCKKKKK!", "CHIIBAIII" simultaneously -.- Like really, its was as tho we were both both paralysed from head to toe.



'Should i stopp?'


And we got outta the car & one of the victim showed tiff something. She was stoned. HAHA.

'SAYA POLIS', he said. 'KITORANG MASIH ON DUTY TAU AH MOI.TENGAH RONDA AREA NI,' the other old hag continued. Well, no doubt the young police officer was kinda good looking. Haha. Oh well, we dont have time to give a fuck about that man. Their Bike was smashed like my favourite Mashed potato. How about that?

Diilla diillaa. pak pak pak.

Everything got settled with $$$$. You know , I know, We all know why :)

Just stuff some cash into their pocket and its like you've cut off the beak of a talking parrot.

Yeah man. We learn from experience :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Kiddo speakin'

Updates yo'.

Chinese New Year was awesome awesome awesome. From JB-KL-IPOH-JB. Even by the sound of it, IT WAS SUCHA HECTIC JOURNEYY :/ But i had fun, hell lots of fun mann. Bonding sessions with my long lost cousins and Farewell to the loved one:( Anyway, its meant to be. We'll meet again real soon :) I'm sure we will.

you see, the uploader in blogspot is being a bitch. Thank god fb just upgraded their whole system. Good job. *appaluse* The uploader took me less than 5minutes to get 100pictures done :D So Blogspot, boo you. Aha.

Being back to Ipoh wasn't that homey anymore. Prolly cus all my houses are actually ON SALE. haha. Great.

Otw to Rajdeep's :)

He likes ME! :D & he never gets tired running around. SHO CUTEE.

After bidding farewell to Billy who just left Malaysia :( , had an awesome time with my
old friends ;) Miss em alot.


We all knew why I laughed like shit. His pants was unzipped.

Frankly, this is like my first time camwhoring in Ipoh Parade.
Its the most boring place ever. I swear.

I like the light effect.

I had to do this. I HAD TO :9

I've never felt so good being with my friends, prolly cus I never had the chance.
We all know why.

A relationship involves TWO person. & I'm emphasising on the 'TWO' cus
sometimes there are just some people who doesn't know the rules about being in a relationship
and having a good and strong relationship. Boo for them but seriously, why be a control freak when you don't have to do that? Thank god. I love my mummy for who she is. She ain't no a control freak.
Elephant with a bird's brain?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Happy Chinese New Year Blogspotters.

I had a wonderful one.

And you? ;)

Friday, February 12, 2010

blues clues.

So many things happened. And I'm trying real hard to stand back up.

Idk why things turned that way, oh wait. I think I know, but we don't have a time machine do we? So, i'll let it be. Brush em off off off. I feel like tearing & I know this ain't the right time. The decision I take, leads me to an ultimate destination. Anthony taught me alot. Very good book, worth buying it ;)

I don't have to be static just like this. What exactly is a perfect relationship? Anyone? I am stucked in the midst of nowhere. And i realised, the appreciation of somethin valuable is INDEED VERY important. Prolly before this, I've never realised. But I ain't gonna regret for that man. I still have like what? 50 or 60 or 70 years of life? Decisions that I'm takin right now, I'll see the real results in a couple of years time. And I pray for best, for you, me, everybody. I have so many dreams. I gotta make up my mind man. Not gonna do this for anybody else but myself ;D yeah man. Myself.

Brrrr.. pfft pfft pfft.

I dreamt of loads and loads of pizzas. Slurrrrp :9

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

P.S.I (you figure it out)

Back from the Genting and Ipoh and KL. Im not gonna talk much about it.

For now,
i'll let bygones be bygones.
Like said,
Life is a learning process & I'm learning.
Learning to achieve the best for myself.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Polka Dots.

When was the last time I updated mag-a-licious?? I got lost track of time man. seriously. I just realised CNY IS FUCKIN NEXT WEEK. wooots ;) AWEEESAWMEEEEE :D

And uhm, had a few very meaningful/unforgettable/adventurous (you pick) nights. Missing it alreadyy :( Meet me halfway plan didnt really worked out cus somebody went ALL THE WAYYY. haha. And uhm, I COULD HAVE SPENT ANOTHERRRRR naite BEING A WOLVERINEEE!!!! okay this sounds so wrong but yeahh man. I could have :/ (hahaha)

I'm kinda worn out & I need ma shower.

& guess what. mani/pedi-cure; red and white polka dots this time round ;D ITS CNY!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Back to reah-leeeteeee :/

The weather back in Ipoh really kills. I almost died of dehydration. Haha. The air-con didnt work. The fan wasn't enough :/ Anyway, I'm back to Jb now. So, BACKK TO REALITYYY!

No more shopping spreeeee. Haha. Had an awesome/ the awesomest time in KL man. Shop & Shop & Shop. haha. And dad just dropped :9

I just got my photoshoot pictures and I personally think that I STILL HAVE ALLOTT OF SPACE FOR IMPROVEMENTT, like duh? I dont feel the ooomph in any of the pictures man. Fuck. Improvement improvement. Should be better next time ;) It ain't easy man. The focus. The strength of the eye contact and urghh, my body language. Need more stretchings. haha. Now i can't do spilts anymoreeee :S This is BADDD. Assbaddd.

Anyway, 'work-your-fuckin-abs' routine should be back and I will not hit the gym until I lose another 10pounds!

Here I go. Cny is not an excuse to EAT MOREE. No way mann. We shall see. WE SHALL ;D