Friday, March 1, 2013

Insta Fry

I vow to update my blog as often as I can. But then again, its easier said than done.

Just recovered from a week of major fatigue, fever, flu and everything else. To be honest, I myself had no idea what was happening to my body. There was one night my tummy was hurting so bad ( like as thought somebody was stabbing right into my stomach while I'm asleep), dragged myself to the bathroom (and nothing happened, weird), tried walking back to my bed and then.. I BLACKED OUT. Damnit. My legs went jello and I swear, I tried walking/dragging/crawling myself back to bed, I couldn't. God knows what happened ( I reckon it was the legs routine I had the day before, but still!). I survived the night, anyway. 

Been extremely ( not really, just a tad actually) busy with training, work, and prepping for my semester which is resuming next week. Oh my hamburger! Just when I'm starting to get comfortable bumming around .. (happens all the time!) *pfffft! 

I've got a few posts line-up for this month. And I thought maybe I should kick off with a string of my Instagram pictures (its @magdelinewang by the way). Just some snippets of what my past couple of weeks have been. 

There's too much to brief you about. It's not like you would want to know the details anyway. And hence, these pictures. 

Really, thank God for Instagram! x 

Yup, we don't look alike. 
CNY open house at Andrea's with Jenhan & Luxanne 
Loafers and studded pumps B and Rachel got me from Taiwan. Love them! 
Been trying some juicing lately. 
Also been working out.. pretty, hard. 
Researching on Hollywood, as well.. 
Inspiring quote that I stumbled upon. I think THIS would change my life.
Casted for a pretty interesting role. Fingers double crossed! 
I am deeply in love with these kicks. I'm not even kidding.
My new header! I drew/wrote them free-handedly, by the way ;P  #soproud 

And by the way, my featured issue with Esquire Malaysia is out on newsstands now! It's in the Men At His Best (MaHB) segment, page 44 if I'm not wrong. Will blog about it soon with some Behind The Scenes pictures ;) 

Hope you like my joke ;) 

And by the way. I named this post INSTA FRY solely because I seriously ran out of ideas when it comes to titling random posts. Since its FRYday and photos are mostly from INSTAgram. Hence ;) 

Till then 

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